Global Health (Master's)

The Master’s programme in global health is concerned with how we can improve public health and achieve health equity worldwide.

What will you learn?

You will learn to identify and critically analyse key factors shaping the health and well-being of populations in low and middle-income countries, and to conduct research and formulate effective and appropriate responses to complicated health related issues. 

With this education you can contribute to finding innovative solutions in public health administration, NGOs and higher education.

Student life

You’ll spend most of your time at the Centre for International Health (CIH), located at the Alrek Health Campus in Bergen. Here you’ll meet an international community of staff and students in an informal atmosphere and take part in academic and social events. 

As a master’s student, you’ll have access to working areas at the Faculty of Medicine and in our environment at the Alrek campus. 

In the courses you will work both independently with literature and assignments, and in groups. In your first semester there are mandatory learning activities every week, such as seminars, quizzes, and group work. As the programme progresses, the schedule is more flexible, and you can design your degree through your choice of elective courses. 


This interdisciplinary master’s degree in global health will qualify for positions in academia, in the health sector, in international organizations and in public administration.

Our alumni have found employment in very different settings, and they highlight how the program equipped them with a broad range of working skills and a solid theoretical foundation. This makes them valuable employees and colleagues.

92 percent of alumni with a master’s degree from the Faculty of Medicine say that they have found relevant work within two years of graduating.

Admission requirements and how to apply
Grade requirements: C (2.5)
Requires a minimum average grade of Norwegian grade C (2,5) or the equivalent, to be eligible for admission.

Students with citizenship from countries outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland must pay tuition fees. Some applicants may be exempted from this rule.

Follow these links to find the general entry requirements and guidelines on how to apply:

Citizens from outside the European Union/EEA/EFTA (Application deadline: 1 December).
Citizens from within the European Union/EEA/EFTA (Application deadline: 1 March).
Nordic citizens and applicants residing in Norway
(Application deadline: 15 April).
You will also have to meet the programme-specific entry requirements.

Submission deadline for autumn semester: 15 April
Teaching language

Teaching language: English

Study structure

The programme covers two academic years (four semesters) and starts in the autumn semester. 

First semester  

SDG303 - Global health - challenges and responses

INTH315 - Methods in Global Health Research

Core courses with learning activities four to five days a week.   

Second semester

INTH326A - Research Seminars at CIH Including two Presentations

INTH315 - Proposal development

Elective courses. You are free to choose from all of CIH's elective courses, other open courses at the University of Bergen, courses offered by the Nordic Network in Global Health or courses from the tropEd network.  

Third and fourth semester 

Weekly research seminars. Either a 60-ECTS thesis (INTH395A - M.Phil. in Global Health - Thesis), or a 30-ECTS internship (INTH317 - Internship - master study in Global Health) plus a 30-ECTS thesis (INTH395B - Master Thesis in Global Health).  

Together with colleagues at other UiB units we can offer Master’s projects within these thematic areas of research:   

Maternal and child health 


Communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases    

Oral sciences 

Migration and health 

A full list of available Master’s projects and supervisors is presented to the students in the first semester. 

Study abroad

You can spend 3—6 months abroad as part of your degree. You have different options: 

Elective courses at partner institutions (second semester) 

Fieldwork (third semester) 

Internship (third semester)

See recommended exchange agreements

Further studies

If you want to continue in academic research, the master´s degree makes you qualified to apply for the PhD programme at the University of Bergen or elsewhere. However, please note that the competition is tough and only a few manage to obtain a PhD scholarship at UiB after the master´s.

Questions about the study?

Phone lines are open on business days from 12.00-14.00.

Phone number: 55586400
Study plan

A study plan is a formal document between you as a student and the University of Bergen. The study plan must provide a clear framework for the study, describe the learning goals you will achieve and how the study is structured.

Study plan for Master's Programme in Global Health